Sanctum - Raped of Your Religion (1993) Sanctum - Raped of Your Religion (1993) Genre: Death Metal Country :Australia TRACKLIST 1.Parasite03:50 2.Inner Depravity03:32 3.Overcasting the Truth05:48 4.Errission05:10 5.Dimensions of the Mind04:51 6.Our Violent World05:24 7.Raped of Your Religion04:37 8.To Whiter Away02:42 DOWNLOAD #Sanctum
Sanctum - Raped of Your Religion (1993) Genre: Death Metal Country :Australia TRACKLIST 1.Parasite03:50 2.Inner Depravity03:32 3.Overcasting the Truth05:48 4.Errission05:10 5.Dimensions of the Mind04:51 6.Our Violent World05:24 7.Raped of Your Religion04:37 8.To Whiter Away02:42 DOWNLOAD #Sanctum