Torture Pulse - God Leash (2015)
Torture Pulse-God Leash (2015) Genre : Death Metal Country : Finland TRACKLIST 1.Myths of Belial Incarnated03:05 2.On Lacerated...

LOBOTOMY - From the ashes - Desde las Cenizas (1998)
LOBOTOMY - From the ashes - Desde las Cenizas (1998) Genre : Death Metal Country : Argentina TRACKLIST 1.Father04:15 2.Baby Bag03:13...

Afterdeath - Blood ( demo 1997 )
Afterdeath - Blood ( demo 1997 ) Genre : Death Metal Country : Brasil TRACKLIST 1.Antropofagy04:31 2.Blood03:37 3.Credo04:12 4.Fake...

Anata - The Infernal Depths of Hatred (1998)
Anata - The Infernal Depths of Hatred (1998) Genre :Technical Death Metal Country : Sweden TRACKIST 1.Released When You Are Dead04:22...

Abdominal - Pasión forense (demo 1997)
Abdominal - Pasión forense (demo 1997) Genre: Death Metal Country : Colombia TRACKLIST Side A 1.Pasión forense 04:10 2.Psique perturbada...

MORTE - Lento Descenso a la Putrefacción (Ep 2016)
MORTE - Lento Descenso a la Putrefacción (Ep 2016) Genre : Death/Doom Metal Country : Argentina TRACKLIST 1.Reliquia De Huesos 04:12...