Death Metal Advance (1994)
Death Metal Advance (1994)

Genre: Death Metal,Death/Doom Metal,Death/Thrash Metal
Country: Argentina
01 - Vibrión - Polluted areas
02 - Vibrión - Metamorphosis
03 - Necrodaemon - Imminet chaos
04 - Necrodaemon - Fatal holocaust
05 - Devastación - Vida lóbrega
06 - Devastación Mundo de TV
07 - Overthrow - Devil's eyes
08 - Overthrow - Conquer the fear
09 - Pandemia - Tenebroso subconciente
10 - Pandemia - Disolucion y muerte
11 - Perpetua - Cynic minds
12 - Perpetua - Negative dimension
13 - Dilaceration - Dilaceration
14 - Dilaceration - Summersion
15 - Mortuary - Victims of the emptying
16 - Mortuary - Itch wind